Friday, May 31, 2019

Hyperkinetic Children :: essays research papers

Hyperkinetic Children     Hyperkinetic is just another word for Hyperactive. Hyperactivitydescribes youngsterren who verbalise numerous amounts of inappropriate behaviors insituations that require sustained fear and orderly responding to fairlystructured tasks. Humans who are hyperactive tend to be easily distracted,impulsive, inattentive, and easily excited or upset. Hyperactivity in childrenis manifested by crying(a) motor activity, such as excessive caterpillar track or climbing.The child is often described as being on the go or "running like a motor", andhaving difficulty sitting still. Older children and adolescents may beextremely restless or fidgety. They may also demonstrate aggressive and verynegative behavior. Other features include obstinacy, stubbornness, bossiness,bullying, increased mood lability, low frustration tolerance, temper outbursts,low self-esteem, and lack of response to discipline. Very rarely would a childbe considered hype ractive in every situation, just because restraint andsustained attentiveness are not necessary for acceptable performance in manylow-structure situations. Many parents rate the onset of abnormal activity intheir child when it is and infant or toddler. Abnormal sleep patterns arefrequently mentioned, the child objects to taking naps, he also seems to needless sleep, and becomes very stubborn at bedtime. Then, when the child isseemingly exhausted, hyperactive behavior may increase. Family history studiesshow that hyperactivity, which is more common in boys than in girls, may be ahereditary trait, as are some other traits (reading disabilities or enuresis-bedwetting). Certain predisposing factors hit the mother, and therefore thechild, at the time of conception or gestation or during delivery. Included areradiation, infection, hemorrhage, jaundice, toxemia, trauma, medications,alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine. The course of the syndrome typic eithery spans the6-year to 12-year age rang e. In many classrooms, children who video displayinappropriate overactivity (restlessness, moving around without permission) ,attention deficits (distractible by task-irrelevant events, inability to sustainattention to the task) , and impulsivity (making decisions and responses hastilyand inaccurately, interrupting and interfering with classmates and the teachers)are likely to be identified as hyperactive. The diagnosis of hyperactivity isusually suggested when parents and teachers complains that a child isexcessively active, behaves poorly, or has learning difficulties. However,there is no specific definition or precise test to swear that a child ishyperactive. This syndrome is most frequently recognized when the child cannotbehave appropriately in the classroom. There are three characteristic courses.In the first, all of the symptoms persist into adolescence or adult life. Inthe second, the disorder is self-limited and all of the symptoms disappearcompletely at puberty. In the t hird, the hyperactivity disappears, but theattentional difficulties and impulsivity persist into adolescence or adult life.

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